What I hate most - Needles and Tears! It's vaccination time
Vaccinations. Need I say more? They make you wish that: a. you could bear the pain for your little one. b. you could invent needles that do not cause pain. c. you could do a lot of other things.
But in reality they are very important and required to protect our little ones from all sorts of viruses. So rather than wish all those things, it's best to get on with it and accept that there will be tears (mostly you will be teary eyed for the first few). So if you find yourself worried and terrified of that first vaccine just remember that babies can and will forget pain quickly. Distraction is key!
There are several vaccines during the first two years (almost every two months!). So it's best to get a list (or check if they're listed in your baby's record book) before you leave the hospital. It's also best to set reminders as you will be caught up with a lot of new mommy stuff and then realise! Don't panic if you've missed a vaccine as your paediatrician can advise you on what to do next. It's also not mandatory that it needs to be taken on the exact same day every time. A few mor helpful pointers:
Vaccines might not be given if your child is running a temperature, has the flu or in some cases (not all) a cold. Doctor knows best but be prepared in case you are asked to reschedule.
Be prepared! For a fever and cranky baby a few days after the vaccine. So stock up on medicine (prescribed by the doctor) and don't forget to invest in a good thermometer.
Never assume that if your child was fine the first time that they'll be okay for all other times. That happened with Baby A. The second time was by far the worst and we were unprepared!
Forget about schedules and eating. Basically just let your baby do whatever he or she prefers doing (they will want to sleep).
Finally, it sometimes can take up to a week for a fever to break so keep an eye and look for signs of crankiness and body temp fluctuations.
You'll be happy when it's over!
But in reality they are very important and required to protect our little ones from all sorts of viruses. So rather than wish all those things, it's best to get on with it and accept that there will be tears (mostly you will be teary eyed for the first few). So if you find yourself worried and terrified of that first vaccine just remember that babies can and will forget pain quickly. Distraction is key!
There are several vaccines during the first two years (almost every two months!). So it's best to get a list (or check if they're listed in your baby's record book) before you leave the hospital. It's also best to set reminders as you will be caught up with a lot of new mommy stuff and then realise! Don't panic if you've missed a vaccine as your paediatrician can advise you on what to do next. It's also not mandatory that it needs to be taken on the exact same day every time. A few mor helpful pointers:
Vaccines might not be given if your child is running a temperature, has the flu or in some cases (not all) a cold. Doctor knows best but be prepared in case you are asked to reschedule.
Be prepared! For a fever and cranky baby a few days after the vaccine. So stock up on medicine (prescribed by the doctor) and don't forget to invest in a good thermometer.
Never assume that if your child was fine the first time that they'll be okay for all other times. That happened with Baby A. The second time was by far the worst and we were unprepared!
Forget about schedules and eating. Basically just let your baby do whatever he or she prefers doing (they will want to sleep).
Finally, it sometimes can take up to a week for a fever to break so keep an eye and look for signs of crankiness and body temp fluctuations.
You'll be happy when it's over!
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